Avatar based ınnovation and co-creation processes in virtual worlds
Özekenci,Emre Kadir, Gülmez, Murat,(2019). Avatar Based Innovation and Co-Creation Processes in Virtual Worlds. II. born conference, 2, s.63.Abstract
The major objective of this study is to investigate the virtual co creation processes in order to
propose an effective way for organizations to attract participants for their projects in virtual
worlds. In particular, this investigation will examine the motives of the participants to
participate in the co creation projects and how do the organizations design their projects in
virtual worlds. By doing so, this study will enlighten the co-creation and avatar innovation
processes in virtual worlds and will provide guidance for future projects and studies. Data for
this study will be collected using in-world interviews with virtual residents who run
organizations as well as who participates in co-creation processes in Second Life virtual world.
The results of this investigation will announce after data analysis. The present study makes
several noteworthy contributions to growing body of literature on virtual worlds and cocreation.
Firstly, to explore the main indicators that motivates of virtual residents to engage in
co-creation activities. Secondly, how organizations use virtual worlds as a source of innovation
and how should they design their processes in order to attract residents to participate to their