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dc.contributor.authorÜstüner, Menderes
dc.contributor.authorÖzçelik, Edip
dc.description.abstractGünümüzde çalışanların yaptıkları işlerinden tatmin olması, bugün işletmelerin ürün üretmek gibi temel amaçlarından biridir. İş tatmini, çalışanın işine karşı ortaya koyduğu genel bir tutumdur. Bu tutumun olumlu hali “iş tatmini”ni, olumsuz hali ise “iş tatminsizliği” şeklinde tanımlanır. Çalışan kişi işe verdiği emeğin karşılığı olarak beklentilerini karşılamak ve uygun bir iş ortamında çalışmak ister. Bireysel tatmin kişisel ihtiyaçların karşılanabilmesiyle belirlenmeyip çevresel faktörlerce etkilenebilmektedir. Lojistik sektöründe, Tüketici ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere, ham maddenin ilk noktasından, ürünün tüketildiği son noktaya kadar olan zincir içindeki malzemelerin, servis hizmetlerinin ve bilgi akışının etkili aynı zamanda verimli bir şekilde, taşınmasının ve depolanmasının, planlanması, uygulanması ve kontrol edilmesi şeklinde hizmet üretilmektedir. Son yıllarda küreselleşme ve teknolojide meydana gelen hızlı ilerlemeler ile birlikte, işletmeler arasında iletişim olanaklarının da artması sonucu giderek önem kazanmakta ve bir rekabet silahı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda lojistik işletmeler kendi süreçleri kontrol ve işleyişi için gereken iç dinamiklerini kullanırlarken, pazarda üstün olma ve rakiplerini geçmek için stratejilerini ülke, bölge ve küresel olarak avantajlara sahip olmayı isterler. Bu çalışmada, Lojistik hizmeti veren işletme çalışanının demografik özelliklerine göre iş tatminindeki tutumsal farklılıkların ortaya konması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma, Çukurova bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren Aras kargonun 100 çalışanı üzerinde yapılmış ve analize tabi tutulmuştur. Elde edilen bulgulara göre lojistik hizmetlerde çalışanların cinsiyeti, eğitim durumu ve çalışma süreleri ile çalışan memnuniyet arasında ilişki araştırılmıştır.en_US
dc.description.abstractToday satisfaction of employees has turned out to be one of the main purposes of companies like producing products. Job satisfaction is a general attitude which the employee shows towards his job. The positive state of the attitude is described as job satisfaction while the negative state is described as job dissatisfaction. The employee, in consideration of his labour, wants to satisfy the expectations and work in a favorable business environment. Personal satisfaction cannot be determined by meeting the personal needs but it can be affected by the environmental factors. Logistic, To meet customer needs, Logistics is defined as not only the raw of materials within of chain from the starting point to the last consumed product , service and flow of information effectively, but also productively transporting and storing in both directions, planning, implementing and controlling. In recent years, with globalization and rapid advances in technology, it is gaining importance as a result of the increase in the possibilities of communication between businesses and is used as a competitive weapon. Today technology is improving so quickly and spreading to all parts of the world. As the same information and technology can be obtained by everyone, competitive environment is becoming more and more difficult and labour force is becoming more and more important. To compete in such a competitive environment, the most important thing is difference and it depends on labour force. The importance given to labour force has been becoming more important. For American Marketing Board service is action which satisfies customers and firms and can be defined objectively. Service arises from the demand and expectations of customers. It solves the problems of customers which are not physical or make the solution easier. For Bitner, Patterson and Johnson service quality is the attitude in the long run and after general evaluation. Satisfaction of an employee means his loving his job and becoming productive for both himself and the company. The factors of satisfying an employee are looking after his own benefits, treating them fairly, making him feel that he has done his work, satisfaction and showing respect to new ideas. As in orientation, employers should attend those activities since people want to see that they are appreciated. Having a say on the work they do will make them happy. Attitude is generally a key word in behavioral sciences. As man, in fact, his behaviors are questioned in behavioral sciences; the importance of the term ‘attitude’ is understood better. If we generally regard ‘attitude’ as a manner that people show against any event or situation, we should accept that every behaviors of a person arises from attitude. Workplace should be a work environment which should make employees feel that they are important for the company. If a workplace becomes a work environment that employees enjoy, they will work by enjoying. Employees should be out of stress and lead a good life to be satisfied with their jobs and to feel belong to that company. Employers should try to make them be careful and be in good mood. Also, they should pay attention to the balance between daily life and work life. Attitude is a key word in behavioral sciences. As man, in fact his behaviors are questioned in behavioral sciences; the importance of the term is understood better. If we regard ‘attitude’ as a manner that people show against any event or situation, we should accept that every behavior of a person arises from attitude. So it is natural to take attitude as one of the key words in behavioral sciences. According to Murphy and Newcomb in social psychology field no term by itself is in the center more than attitudes. It is known that, especially since 1940s, social psychologists has been spending more time for the forming and changing of attitudes. The aim of this work is to find out the satisfaction differences of employees at Aras Parcel Company according to demographic features. For this reason at Aras Parcel Company, which operates in Çukurova Region, a questionnaire was done. In the questionnaire, questions about the state of the employees and sector were asked. While writing the questions in the questionnaire, they made use of Handfield and Nichols’ work and it was adapted for employees at Aras Parcel. In this direction, while logistics are using the necessary interval dynamics in order to check their own process and operation, they territorial, locally and globally want its strategies to have some advantages so as to pre-eminence in the market and surpass its rivals. In this study, it is aimed to present the attitude differences in job satisfaction of in employees a logistics company according to their demographic characters. 100 employees of Aras Cargo logistics firm, which carries on business in Çukurova region, has been studied and multivariate analyzes have been used. According to the findings, the relationship between the logistics employee’s gender, education level, work time and their job satisfaction is investigated. The staff that works in the Logistics Field, certain differences is observed according to working conditions, sex, and education and working time. The belief in that logistics is just transportation has begun to change because of the rivalry. Therefore, many logistics companies began to institutionalize and employ professional executives. Otherwise, if satisfaction of employees is ignored, decrease in market share and number of customers is inevitable. This search has shown that the term logistics service management which can be seen as a new paradigm in business management should be searched in detail. This work has also shown that satisfaction of employees according to their demographic features at a logistics company is important.en_US
dc.subjectSosyal Bilimleren_US
dc.subjectDisiplinler Arasıen_US
dc.titleÇalışanların demografik özelliklerine göre iş tatminindeki tutumsal farklılıkların bir lojistik işletmesinde uygulama örneğien_US
dc.title.alternativeImplementation sample of attitude differences in job satisfaction according to employees demographic characteristics in a logistics companyen_US
dc.relation.journalSelçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisien_US
dc.contributor.departmentMeslek Yüksekokuluen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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