Interdependence between Gross Capital Formation, Public Expenditure on R&D and Innovation in Turkey
Satrovic, E., Muslija, A., J. Abul, S., Gligoric, D., & Dalwai, T. (2020). Interdependence between gross capital formation, public expenditure on R&D and innovation in turkey. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies,Abstract
This paper outlines the roles of gross domestic spending on
research and development (R&D) and gross capital formation in
the innovation process and detects their contribution to this
improvement. The analysis is conducted for Turkey for the period
1990-2017 using annual time-series data. Our findings suggest a
bidirectional causal link between all variables of interest and prove
that R&D can be a significant driving force for the Turkish innovation process. Most of the research and development activities in
Turkey have been performed by universities. Herein, it is of key
importance for the Turkish government to increase public expenditure, especially on education, since human capital plays an important role in building innovation capacity